Handwriting Expert in Varanasi
- Examination of Questioned Document
- Examination of Handwriting
- The Authenticity of signature or initials of Handwriting
- Obliterated or Indented Writing
- Examination of Signature/Fake Signature
- Ink Identification, Dating and detection of Age of Ink
- The identification of altered or erasing and over writing or fraudulent Documents
- Questioned typewritten or Computer printout of Documents
- Age of the Document
- Documents Verification
- Forensic photography of Disputed/forged Documents
- Forgery detection such as “Cut and Paste” Signatures or text
- Examination of Stamp
- Identification of Printed Source
- Examination of Printed matters
- Examination of Scanned Documents
- Examination of Photocopier
- Examination of typescripts
- Identification of fake aging
- Identification of fake wills or power of attorney
- Examination of Suicide Notes/Letters

Fingerprint Expert in Varanasi
- Development, Lifting and Comparison of Fingerprints from Crime Scene
- Examination of Fingerprints in Crime Scene Investigation
- Development of latent invisible or partially visible fingerprints
- Development of Fingerprints from Papers
- Development of Fingerprints via Powder methods
- Development of Fingerprints and there Photographs
- Fingerprint Matching/ Comparison expert in Lucknow

- Comparison of fingerprints in a forgery cases
- Forensic Photography of the fingerprints
- Recording of fingerprints for verification purposes/immigration or visa or work permit
- Ragistry, Cheques, Bank Notes, Payrolls, Power of Attorney Examined by Experts in Lucknow
- Fingerprints on FBI FD- 258 card (USA)
- FBI Police Clearance Certificate(PCC)
- FBI Criminal Background Check
Insurance Investigation and Fraud Detection
- Key Verification
- Fingerprint Verification
- Registration Verification
- Claims Investigation and Verification
- Insurance Fraud Detection
- Insurance Surveillance Services
- Detection of false Insurance Claims
- Personal accident claims
- Theft claims Investigation
- Assisting counsels/Lawyers
- Legal and Insurance support Services
- General Insurance Investigations
- Property Claim Investigation
- Life Insurance Claim Investigation/fraud Detection
- Handwriting Verification
- Signature Verification
- Accident Claims Investigation and Reconstructions

Cyber Forensic Investigation Expert in Varanasi
- Data Collection form Crime Scene
- Evidence Recovery/Data Recovery
- Social Networking Sites Crime Investigation
- E-mail Tracking
- IP Tracking
- MAC Address Tracking
- Password Recovery
- Video Tempering Analysis
- Audio Tempering Analysis by Experts in Lucknow

- Web Tracking
- Hard Disk Imaging
- Voice Alteration Verification
- Formatted Disk Recovery
- Hacking Investigation
- Disk Snap
- Forensic Data Collection
- Cyber Security
- Internet Crimes
- Software Piracy
FBI Fingerprinting for Immigration/VISA/Work Permit

- Fingerprinting on FBI FD-258 card (USA)
- FBI Police Clearance Certificate(PCC)
- FBI Criminal Background Check
- Fingerprinting for TPA/ Insurance License
- Background Check of the Indian Person
- Fingerprint Card Verification for USA
- Fingerprint Recording for USA, Immigration, Work Permits, Permanent Residence, Medical License, PR, Work Permits, Online Tutors, VISA
Employee Verification/ Background Screening
- Employee Credential verification
- Background Screening
- Residence Address Verification
- Criminal/ Police Verification
- Employment Verification
- Qualification/ Certificate Verification
- Reference Check Verification
- Civil record Verification
- Court Record Verification
- Post Employment Verification

Audio/Video Investigation Expert in Varanasi
- Voice Analysis
- Video Tempering Examination
- Audio Tempering Examination
- Voice Alteration Verification
- Hard Disk Imaging
- Internet Crimes and Investigation
- Software Piracy
- Pirated CDs/DVDs
- Expert witness and Testimony
- Target (Child/Spouse/Vehicle)Tracking
- Webcam Scams
- Video Clip Examination and Verification

Forensic DNA and Blood Analysis Expert in Varanasi
- DNA Profilling
- Paternity Test
- Maternity Test
- Identification Profilling
- Immigration DNA Test
- Blood Group Detetction
- DNA Extraction from Blood, Saliva, Bones etc
- DNA analysis for Paternity Disputes
- Rape Cases
- DNA hair Examination
- Semen Examination

Mobile Forensic Investigation Expert in Varanasi

- Deleted Data Recovery from mobile phones
- Deleted whatsapp chat recovery
- Password Recovery from android phone
- Deleted Chat recovery from Instagram, Facebook, Hike, Telegram etc.
- Forensic Imaging and data preservation
- Mobile forensic for legal purposes
- Recovery of deleted or lost data after phone reset
- Android Phones Stuck at boot screen or logo or recovery mode
- Mobile data recovery from dead phones or broken phone
- Recovery of messages, whatsapp call, whatsapp video call recovery, call history
- Mobile Activity log for analysis
- Analysis of spy apps in Mobile Phones
- Recovery of deleted photos, Videos