Fingerprint-Development-Kit is a specialized collection of tools and chemicals used by forensic investigators across India to reveal and enhance latent fingerprints at crime scenes. Latent fingerprints, which are often invisible to the naked eye, can be crucial pieces of evidence, linking a suspect to a crime scene or object.
Here’s a list of common items you might find in Fingerprint-Development-Kit :
Fingerprint Powder:
- Fingerprint fluorescent powder (Black) 50gm
- Fingerprint fluorescent powder (Silver) 50gm
- Fingerprint fluorescent powder (yellow) 50gm
- Fingerprint fluorescent powder (green) 50gm
- Fingerprint fluorescent powder(orange) 50gm
- Fingerprint Magnetic Powder *50gm
- Protective Equipment:
face mask *05
- Gloves *2
Fingerprint Brushes:
- Fingerprint Magnetic Brush *1
- Fingerprint feather brush (black) *1
- Fingerprint feather brush (white) *1
Fingerprint Lifting Cards:
Fingerprint backing cards (black) *5
Fingerprint backing cards (white) *5
- Fingerprint Magnifiers:
- Magnifier *1
- folding Magnifying glass *1
- Cleaning supplies:
- Towel *1
- liquid soap *1
- Fingerprint lifters
- Fingerprint lifting tape *1
- fingerprint lifting card *10
- Crime scene digital tape yellow *20mtr
- Ridge Counting Pin *1
- evidence envelope *05
- Envelope for sealing evidence *5
- LED torch *1
- Forceps *1
- UV torch *1
- Scissors *1
- compass *1
- Scalpel *1
- ABFO scale *3
- Measuring tape *3mtr
- carrying case *1