Explanation- Cannibalism is the act of consuming another individual of same species as food. The act of consuming human flesh has been documented throughout history raising profound questions about the underlying psychopathology & motivation of those who commits such acts. its not an homogenous behavior rather encompasses the range of practice, each with its own psychological basis. there are 3 major categories that elucidate the regard of motivation in cannibalism, first is nutritional, second is ritual basis & third is pathological.
cannibalism is a category of being a psychopath. As the criteria of being insane requires not only cannibalism but much more like lack of remorse and other psychosomatic disorder.
Explanation- Schizophrenia is a serious mental disorder in which people interpret reality abnormally. It may result in a combination of hallucination, delusion & extremely disordered thinking and behavior that impairs daily functioning and can be disabling. It involves a range of problem with thinking behavior and emotion and can vary in type and severity over time. It is more common in men in early to mid 20s and in women in their late 20s. the exact cause of schizophrenia isn’t known but a combination of genetic involvement and altered brain chemistry may play a role.
Also the schizophrenic person may have difficulty with attention and applying information to make decision


Explanation- A Hallucination is a false perception of objects or events involving your senses sight, sound, smell, touch & taste. hallucination may seen as real but they are not, hallucination is typically a symptom of a psychosis-related disorder particularly schizophrenia but they can also result from substances used in neurological conditions and some temporary situations.
They are of several types including auditory, visual, touch, olfactory, gustatory, presence hallucination, and proprioceptive hallucination.
Explanation- A neurotic condition in men in which the symptoms are the compulsion to have sexual intercourse with as many women as possible and an inability to have a lasting relationship with them. he men suffering from this condition is known as satyromaniac. though neither its a medical term or a formal term. the exact cause of this behavior are not clear, possible cause may include= change n brain pathways. The changes in brain especially affect or are related to the areas of brain which helps them reinforcement. it is also known as hypersexuality.


Explanation- Hypochondriasis or hypochondria is a condition is a condition in which a person is excessively and unduly worried about having a serious illness. It has been claimed that this debilitating condition result from an inaccurate perception of condition of body or mind despite the absences of actual medical diagnosis. To qualify the diagnosis of hypochondria the symptoms must have been experienced for at-least six months. Hypochondria is often characterized by a fear that minor bodily or mental symptoms may indicate a serious illness, constant self examination and self diagnosis and a preoccupation with one’s body.
Explanation- The Clavicle is the first bone to ossify in the developing embryo. At approximately 5 weeks of gestation, primary ossification of the clavicle bone proceeds by membranous ossification of two centers, with no prior cartilagenous and an analage. both will soon fuse at about 7 weeks
the answer to this question seems important because congenital pseudodarthrorasis of the clavicle is thought to result from failure of fusion of the two primary ossification centre in the early embrylogic stage


Explanation- asphyxia produced by compression of the neck by human hands is called throttling. Death may occur due to asphyxia or the pressure may continue for sometime for asphyxia signs to appear and then a change in grip may allow the finger to press the Hyoid structure and cause reflex cardiac arrest. Vagal inhibition is much more common in manual strangulation. if the death is caused by throttling signs such as bruising and abrasion, bruising with ot without rupture of neck muscles, fracture of larynx, engorgement of tissues & general signs of asphyxia are present. Throttling can b=never be suicidal as because the compression of windpipe produce rapid unconsciousness and the fingers are relaxed. if there is a severe damage to the neck it indicates considerable force used with an intent to injure and not to kill. but if there was fracture in hyoid or larynx, it indicates the intent of killing
Explanation- Bansdola is a form of Strangulation practiced in north India. Strong bamboo is placed across the throat and another across back of the neck.
Both the end re tied with rope due to which the victim is squeezed to death. Sometimes, the chest may be squeezes forcibly between two sticks
placed across the back and front of the upper part of the chest. This interfere with respiration and causes laceration of the muscles and fractures of the ribs.


Explanation- Death by hanging may be suicidal, accidental or homicidal. General external appearance, local external neck findings, neck autopsy and neck histological changes play a major role in differentiation between types of hanging. Differentiation among suicidal, homicidal and accidental hanging by using different diagnostic methods including naked eye examination, neck autopsy, examination of neck structure, and histopathological feature of neck structures at the ligation mark site.
Explanation- It is a fingerprint kit with different instruments. It contains fingerprint powder, a magnifying glass, a torch, a fingerprint brush, fingerprint tape, a compass, an inkpad, a laser pen, a roller, scissors, a fingerprint card, different types of cutters, and a blade.
They are used for different purposes like to lift invisible prints, to take fingerprints of a dead body, to take the fingerprint of a suspected person or a criminal.


Explanation- The detection and contitation of drugs in blood is a highly sensitive thing to detect with the development of highly sensitive chromatographic methods such as high performance liquid chromatography with sensitive detectors and gas chromatography and mass spectrometry ( GCMS ) more & more substances can be determined in blood. this review include methods for the determination of the most commonly occuring illicit drugs and their metabolites which are important for the assessment for the drug abuse.
such as canabinoids, codine, morphine, dihydropodine, emphythamine, etc. A number of drugs and their metabolites that are structurally closed to these substance are easily extracted
Explanation- ‘Club drugs’ which include Ecstasy, ketamine, and Rohypnol (flunitrazepam) have become popular with participants in ‘raves’, because they are perceived to enhance energy, endurance, sociability, and sexual arousal. These drugs vary in their pharmacologic properties, physiological and psychological effects, and potential consequences. Ecstasy is both a hallucinogenic and a stimulant drug. It increases heart rate and causes dry mouth, clenched teeth, blurred vision, chills, etc. Ecstasy use can cause seizures, brain swelling, possible brain damage and even death


Explanation- Neologism whose origin and meaning are non-sensible and unrecognisable, is typically associated with aphasia or schizophrenia. This type of disorder thought involves moving from one idea to another. The ideas are connected superficially but never get to the main point. It also involves adopting words that exist and adapting them to show a different meaning. Neologism arises out of mass media, the internet, cultural changes, or simply word of mouth. They usually come about when new situations emerge, or on the back of trends and societal developments.
Explanation- A choke is a tapered constriction of a firearm barrel at its muzzle end. chokes are most commonly seen in shotguns, rifles & pistols. the choke can be fixed or interchangeable. there are three types of choke: improved cylinder choke, modified & full. the more the choke, the more its shooting range is the purpose of a choke is to control the shot when it leaves the barrel to be more exact it controls the angle of dispersion of the shot. the full choke has a tight constriction and a dense pattern and is used for a longer range. the modified choke has less constriction than the full choke & produces a more open pattern and is used for hunting. the improved cylinder choke produces the most open pattern.

15. PCT

Explanation- Mercury poisoning is a type of metal poisoning due to exposure to mercury. Symptoms depend upon the type, dose, method, and duration of exposure. Kidneys are usually susceptible to mercury toxicity because they are responsible for filtering waste products from the blood and excreting them in the urine. Chronic exposure to mercury can cause damage to the kidneys, leading to various kidney-related health problems. mercury poisoning is caused by 3 ways:
- Elemental mercury is commonly used in dental fillings, thermometers, and electrical equipment, and it can vaporize and be inhaled into the lungs.
- Inorganic mercury is used in the production of batteries, and certain chemicals, and it can be absorbed through the skin.
- Organic mercury, also known as methylmercury, is the most toxic form of mercury and can accumulate in fish and other seafood, which are common food sources for many people.
Explanation- A zip gun is an improvised or homemade firearm . It has a simple firing mechanism with a single-shot design using a primitive method for locking the breech. All the zip guns can be categorized into homemade weapons but all homemade weapons aren’t zip guns. A zip gun is generally made up of parts found easily at home or scrap heap . They are unpredictable due to their inaccuracy. These guns are generally illegal and unsafe. Usage of such weapons can lead to serious legal consequences.


Explanation- Palatal rugoscopy is the study of palatal rugae, and their uniqueness to individuals can provide a reliable source of identification. Palatal rugae are irregular, asymmetric ridges of mucous membrane extending lateral from the incisive papilla and the anterior part of the median palatal raphe. Palatal rugae are well protected by the lips, cheek, and tongue and are thus protected from external insults such as fire and high-impact trauma. They do not change shape with age and reappear after trauma or surgical procedures.
Explanation- Erotic asphyxiation is the intentional restriction of oxygen to the brain for the purposes of sexual arousal. The term autoerotic asphyxiation is used when the act is done by a person to them self. Colloquially, a person engaging in the activity is sometimes called a gasper. Erotic asphyxiation can lead to accidental death due to asphyxia. Various methods are used to achieve the level of oxygen depletion needed, such as hanging, suffocation with a plastic bag over the head, self-strangulation such as with a ligature, gas or volatile solvents, chest compression, or some combination of these. Complicated devices (such as hydraulics) are sometimes used to produce the desired effects. Common responses to being choked were euphoria, a head rush, feeling like they could not breathe, difficulty swallowing, unable to speak, watery eyes and lost consciousness from being choked


Explanation- A bruise is just a leakage of blood out of the vessels, due to some blunt accident. a bruise starts red, because it’s just fresh blood what you see. As the leaked hemoglobin in the blood starts to loose oxygen, the bruise appears more bluish. The next stage is the breakdown of the red blood cells, which releases iron, turning the bruise more purple or even black. In the fourth stage, the hemoglobin is broken down into biliverdin and this substance has the green color which made you ask the question. Finally, biliverdin is broken down into bilirubin which has a yellow appearance. The yellow color lets you know that the bruise is about to disappear
Explanation- The ability of a person who witnesses a crime to later pick the perpetrator out of a lineup is atrocious memory is malleable for example it can be contaminated with the trace of an innocent person- does not mean that it has to be unreliable. What it means is that the malleability of memory can harm reliability. Once this fact is appreciated then proper testing protocol can be put in place to minimise the likelihood that the original memory trace is contaminated. Blood and fingerprint evidence, per se, would not be deemed unreliable instead evidence collected at the contaminated crime scene would probably be declared inadmissible


Explanation- Nirbheek is a handgun, also known as the first gun for women. A state-run arms factory has launched a similar gun which it says is India’s lightest gun. It was named after a rape victim named ‘Nirbhaya’. The gun is black, slim, and lightweight, with a titanium alloy body and wooden grips. It weighs 0.5 kg and it is said it could be carried in a purse or bag while the Nirbheek has a range of 10 meters, it is effective to be used at 15 meters. Nirbheek is a six-shot cylinder double-action revolver designed and manufactured by the Ordnance Factories Organization in Kanpur, India.
Explanation- On the front,
Latent image where the number 500 can be seen when the note is held at a 45-degree angle at eye level, Color shift windowed security thread where color changes from green to blue when the note is tilted, Guarantee clause, RBI governor’s signature with Promise clause, and RBI emblem towards the right, Denominational number with Rupee sign (Rs 500) with color changing ink (green to blue)
On reverse side,
Year the note is printed
Swachh Bharat logo with slogan
Language panel with 15 different languages
Motif of Red Fort with Indian flag
The number 500 in Devnagri


Explanation- It is a type of improvised bombs which are also known as homemade bombs. It is a book bomb. It is mainly made to harm a particular individual. when someone opens the book the trigger gets activated and the person in its nearest proximity gets injured severally or dies on the spot. It includes an initiator, switch, main charge, power source, and container. IEDs may be surrounded by or packed with additional materials or “enhancements” such as nails, glass, or metal fragments designed to increase the amount of shrapnel propelled by the explosion.
24. M16 RIFLE
Explanation- M16 is an assault rifle used by the military. It has a caliber of 5.56mm. The total worldwide production of M16s is approximately 8 million, making it the most-produced firearm of its 5.56 mm caliber. It is lightweight air-cooled, gas-operated, magazine-fed, with a rotating bolt. The M16’s receivers are made of 7075 aluminum alloy, barrel, bolt, and bolt carrier of steel, and its handguards, pistol grip, and buttstock of plastics. The M16A4 5.56mm Rifle provides Soldiers with the ability to deter and, if necessary, repel adversaries by enabling individuals and small units to engage targets with accurate, lethal, direct fire.


Explanation- It is a Bitlock that is used for encrypting or locking digital drives. It is a Microsoft Windows security and encryption feature that is included with certain newer versions of Windows. BitLocker enables users to encrypt everything on the drive Windows is installed on, protecting that data from theft or unauthorized access. Microsoft BitLocker improves file and system protections by mitigating unauthorized data access.